
Akhos Gif


Greek and Latin morphology tool for use by students studying the Classical Languages. Parses input and returns a morphological analysis of each given word.
  • +80% search efficiency compared with other tools
  • Has 425+ users from 10+ countries
Example Input Phrases
Greek: ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε μοῦσα
trans. "Sing of the man, Muse"
Latin: arma virumque cano
trans. "Sing of arms and the man"
Tech Used: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS
Code Live View
ILCA Inspection Gif

ILCA Inspection Signup Tool

Full-stack inspection signup app created for the International Laser Class Association (the governing body for laser-class sailboats). Intended for use during international regattas for custom signup creation and management.

  • Working with ILCA to pursue adoption of this tool
  • Worked with the head developer for the ILCA, who created two custom APIs for this project
Front-End: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS
Back-End: Node, Express, MongoDB


About Me

I'm a Trinity University Tower Scholar who, after majoring in Classics & German, decided to self-teach software engineering. I have experience with a range of technologies, from JavaScript and React to MongoDB and Docker, and I am highly capable of teaching myself new tech.

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